Tributes for Kevin Conner

If you would like to leave a brief tribute of how Kevin Conner has influenced your life then please do so by clicking on the title of this post, then entering your thoughts in the ‘Comment’ section. This will help ensure Kevin’s legacy continues.

NOTE: Please allow up to 12 hours for your tribute to appear on the website.

177 thoughts on “Tributes for Kevin Conner”

  1. Dr Conner has blessed our family in so many ways even though we had only met briefly in Perth.
    Our walk with the Lord has been strengthen through the reading of his books and also listening to his message. Especially his commentary on the books of Daniel and Revelation has been priceless in preparing the people for such a time as this. He has been a towering figure in the Christian community and he will be dearly missed. Yet his influence will continue through many of those whom lives have been transformed by Dr Conner one way or another.

    1. Dr Kevin Conner, an elder statesman in the Body of Christ, a great teacher of the Word has entered the Lord’s eternal glory. He has ministered and taught many times at our church in Perth. A mentor and spiritual father in my eyes, he has blessed us not only with his gifted teaching, but also his example of humility and genuineness, RIP.

  2. Today an important spiritual father, Kevin Conner, passed away at 92 years of age. I began to be trained by Kevin Conner, his books and his spiritual sons when I moved to Portland in 1983 to study at Portland Bible College. I learned more than just facts from him. I learned to have a deep respect for the Word of God. Although, he stepped down as the Dean and returned to Australia a couple of years before I enrolled, he was a regular guest lecturer during my time there.
    Several years ago I had a chance to personally show Kevin around Yokohama – just the two of us. Even then, in his mid-80s, he was as passionate as ever about the Word of God and what God was doing in the earth today through his church.
    I am very thankful for his influence in my life and I want to remain faithful and passionate to the work and calling of God to the end of my days just like Kevin.
    Few men will be as influential on the next generation as he was, but his life inspires me to try and disciple and encourage another generation of faithful men in Japan.
    Sayonara, until we meet again, Brother Conner.

    1. Cassandra ( Prophet )

      Today is 21st Sep, 2019. I did not realise that Kevin Conner had passed and for some reason the Lord asked me to look him up today online. I am deeply grieved when i read that he had passed a few months ago peacefully in Feb 2019 at the age of 92. Many of his books are in my house and i was so amazed by the revelation that he shared in them that i had to meet him and attended one of his meetings a few years ago. I will never forget him. What an amazingly humble teacher of the Word. I will be eternally indebted to him – the foundational truths in his books have allowed Christians globally to build according to powerful biblical patterns and principles. I am overwhelmed today with sadness at the loss, but know and pray that i will meet him again and be able to thank him personally for a faithful life, well-lived. Thank you, Mr Kevin Conner. We will miss you. God Bless.

  3. Age did not slow you down. In fact, nothing could keep you from sharing the Word and the Love around. You kept on running strong and inspired all around you. Your insight to the Word always amazed many. We have truly been blessed by you and now we celebrate with you as you enjoy eternal life with our Maker.

  4. I was at the home of a Catholic youth pastor in Sitka, Alaska when I first discovered one of Dr. Conner’s books. It changed the whole trajectory of my life. One look at it, and I said to myself, “I want to go where this is being taught.” This brought me to PBC and MFI churches. I was blessed to hear him speak on a number of occasions and his theology marks my life and those of my closest friends.

  5. Grateful for Kevin’s genuine love as a shepherd of the flock and impacting Bible teaching with his warm sense of humour. Such a privilege to learn from him at Waverly Christian Fellowship and CityLife Church. He was an amazing man of God who blessed us and many worldwide through his ministry. He was dearly loved by us all and will be sorely missed by the Christian community. His legacy of influence will live on to bless many future generations. RIP

  6. I will forever be indebted to Kevin Connor, a true father in the faith.
    He impacted my life in so many ways. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to know him and learn from him. Thank you Kevin! I love you.

  7. Kevin Conner laid a biblical foundation in my life as a Christian leader in so many ways. He was my “go to” resource if I had a doctrinal or theological question. His life impacted me and thus impacted thousands, possibly tens of thousands who have been touched by my ministry in Cambodia. Thank you, Kevin,

  8. Kevin was my spiritual father . He will be greatly missed. I am so grateful to have had the privilege of knowing him. To have spent time under his leadership. To have been on his team. To have learned from him. I am sure he is hearing ‘well done good and faithful servant’. Love you Kevin.

  9. Rev. David Drummond

    So many conversations, so much impact… Thank you Kevin for all that was taught and all that was caught. Your impact will outlast your years, your words and your enthusiasm for THE word have inspired so many and resourced so much. Enter into your rest.

  10. One year when I was a young Bible teacher at Northern Calif. Bible College, Kevin spent two full hours with me explaining Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy at one of the MFI conferences. He didn’t know me very well, and yet was so patient and generous in his instruction. I have taken his teaching on End-times, especially the 70-Week Prophecy and his brilliant expose of the “Woman in the Wilderness” from Rev. 12, and passed them along to many students in our college over the years. I will already appreciate his mentoring from afar!

  11. To many he was a teacher
    He was an author, too plenty
    He helped us, the seekers
    To me, he was like a father

    You not only shown
    That it’s possible to run a good race
    But it is worth running
    To Who we are longing

    We couldn’t understand
    How you could do it, 144/7
    That you found a friend
    In Jesus the living Word

    Kevin J Conner
    With your many distinctions and accolades
    Was happy just to be another’s brother
    Because you knew our true value

    We already miss you
    But probably not as much
    As you miss the Loves of your life
    Can’t help but shed a tear with a smile

  12. Just one of many thousands who were blessed by his teachings…

    As a student I looked forward the every lesson, every teaching and every time he spoke to me. You knew that he wasn’t speaking his words but God’s wisdom in every word. His love for God and his love of the word was lived out everyday in his life.

    How can you even give a right tribute to the encouragement Kevin has given to so many.

    Whether it was in a class, in a church meeting or at his home in Knoxfield he always had something from the Bible that was a life lesson and a firm foundation in Christ for everyone to learn from.

    I wonder if Kevin is sitting there comparing notes, asking those extra questions he had or whether he is just sitting there in awe… LIKE A COW LOOKING AT S NEW GATE…

    Thanks Kevin for all you taught.

  13. I will always remember Kevin as our Spiritual father. He blessed us, and taught us to love and respect the word of God, making us so much stronger in our walk with the Lord. I was privileged to celebrate his 90th birthday at my home two years ago with some of his dear friends, the memories are priceless, and will always be treasured. Thank you for impacting our lives Kevin. You will be dearly missed. Love you Kevin. Phyllis Böhret

  14. Oh, what an example of the Lord’s servant Ps Kevin was. Yes he’ll be missed, but we rejoice in his homegoing. He was looking fwd to it. I’ll cherish doing “Key of Knowledge” with him twice, where he inspired in me a desire to feed constantly on the Word of God. It was lovely to visit him sometime in the NH, and I won’t forget his resounding “Amen” when we prayed together. No doubt he is beholding the glory of our Lord Jesus “face to face”. We pray the Lord surrounds the Conner family and the church worldwide at this time????????

  15. Melanie Haynes (Cameron)

    My favorite teacher at PBC. He taught with enthusiasm and conviction! He was such a great example of love and being a servant to iur college. Thankful to have had him in my life! Enjoy the rewards of your labor of love. Love you dearly!

  16. Peter & Leonie Allen

    We are forever thankful to Kevin J Conner for welcoming us into the MFI family 24 years ago. His encyclopedic Theology has enriched our lives and set a secure faith foundation to the countless numbers he has taught, encouraged, challenged and blessed.
    Kevin’s humility and approachability made an indelible impression on us and surely to all who knew him.
    We can only imagine the rejoicing in heaven at his homecoming.
    Until we meet again Kevin …enjoy your reward.

  17. I loved Kevin.

    He was a Father in the Faith, a magnificent humble Teacher, and a Friend.

    He always took the time to talk with you at a personal level. Never rushed it either.

    He always gave away teachable moments with Biblical Truth. His Books are superb, challenging… his insights are God inspired!

    He inspired in me a love for studying God’s Word, how precious and rich it is, and how to apply it In practical everyday living.

    His genuine humility drew out the best in people and encouraged it in us all.

    Thank you Kevin, I cherish every moment spent with you pointing always to Jesus and look forward to seeing you both in Eternity.

  18. Richard Holland laid the foundation for my life with Christ, and Kevin showed me how to build upon that foundation. An absolutey awesome example for all of us.

  19. Kevin Conner has blessed me for many years through his books. I began reading his books back in the early 80’s. Tabernacle series, Present day truths, Holy Spirit today, signs and symbols, and perhaps his greatest work ” The book of Revelation an exposition of”. I will sorely miss him and his writings. I was directed to his book by Pastor Esther Mallett in Norwalk, Ca. Sincerely, Brian Tyerman

  20. When I was in the Bible School pastor Conner and Rob Wheeler came to Batu Malang. That the first time I heard him. Truly he was walking Bible for me. My daughter and son in-law went to Portland
    Bible College where he was their favorite teacher! Now my grand son in the same PBC.
    Reverend Kevin John Conner is teacher to teachers. I am so sad as I am too much learning from him and his books! Now I teach some material from Revelation to my students in Cianjur West Java Indonesia!
    Please receive my condolences to all families and friend

  21. One of the few men that has impacted my life was Kevin Conner. I am forever grateful to his life and dedication to the Word of God. I owe a lot of my ministry life to this extraordinary Man of God, His revelation, his teaching, his humility, his life. To his family my deepest condolences. Rest In Peace Kevin Conner, Heaven is blessed by your presence we will see you again. Thank you for your extraordinary life.

  22. Just one of many thousands who were blessed by his teachings…

    As a student I looked forward the every lesson, every teaching and every time he spoke to me. You knew that he wasn’t speaking his words but God’s wisdom in every word. His love for God and his love of the word was lived out everyday in his life.

    How can you even give a right tribute to the encouragement Kevin has given to so many.

    Whether it was in a class, in a church meeting or at his home in Knoxfield he always had something from the Bible that was a life lesson and a firm foundation in Christ for everyone to learn from.

    I wonder if Kevin is sitting there comparing notes, asking those extra questions he had or whether he is just sitting there in awe… LIKE A COW LOOKING AT A NEW GATE…

    Thanks Kevin for all you taught.

  23. We thank Kevin Conner, for his wonderful teaching, understand and insight of the word of God. At the same time he is humble in his understanding. He always said during his teaching session.
    “More I know, more I don’t know.”

    He a true servant of God and one great bible teacher of our modern times.

    We miss him on earth, but I know he is with Heavenly Father now, and probably asking Him some deep questions.

  24. An amazing teacher and gentleman. I will be forever grateful to Kevin Conner for opening my eyes to the precious word of God.

  25. For those of us who have known Kevin Conner throughout his life, it is almost impossible to find words to adequately describe his amazing life; a life that has been lived all for the sake of the Gospel. The world-wide church has lost one of its great pillars and a genuine statesman in the Body of Christ. Kevin diligently researched the scriptures from his early days, wrote many books and inspired Christians all over the world to love God and His Word. He lived what he believed, loving his family and showing enormous compassion and understanding for others. It was Kevin who turned my heart to faith in Christ when I was a teenager, for which I will be eternally grateful. He gave me a hunger to study the scriptures and has been an amazing spiritual father to me for more than sixty years. Jenny and I will forever love and miss you Kevin.

  26. There are not many fathers in the Lord, but for me Kevin was such a man. Being a teacher of Gods word, he was worthy of double honor. His teaching, knowledge and understanding of the Bible, mixed with his transparent lifestyle was so refreshing and inspiring. I think I own every book, have listened to countless tapes/CDs of his sermons and sat by him asking countless questions on many many occasions. For a man that ran a church of 1000’s, yet still had time for the 1, I will always remember and cherish our times together.

  27. Thank you Kevin, for being a tremendous blessing to the body. Not only did your teaching inspire me, but also your life. Your love for God’s word made me realize just how rich the Scriptures are. I hope I can do you honor by living an exemplary life, as you have.

  28. David Cannistraci

    In a day when truth has become too flexible, theology too optional and ecclesiology often insubstantial, losing a spiritual and intellectual giant like Kevin J. Conner is a milestone moment. His love for Scripture and the church have impacted a generation of leaders and teachers like few others in the past 100 years.

    Lord, we thank you for this man and his titanic influence on the church. Raise up more like him!

    To his family, Kathy and I send our deepest condolences. Brother Conners, thank you very much for all you did to develop church leaders like me and my peers.

  29. Thank you Pastor kevin for your spiritual legacy through your teaching of the Word and how you lived life. Enjoy your reward. Until we meet again.

  30. His books greatly developed my “feel” and “taste” for the Word, especially in mining illustrations of Christ from the OT types and symbols. Quite grateful.

  31. Even though Kevin did not know the love and nurture of an earthly father, God enabled him to become a father to many. The lesson of not becoming embittered by circumstances granted him the gift of being so much to so many. A teacher, a mentor, a counsellor, a precious friend.
    Kevin laid a firm foundation and life-long love for the Word of God in my life and I was honored with a friendship that endured.
    I thank God for Kevin’s examples of obedience, humility, grace and commitment to believe and honour the Word of God above all else – follow me as I follow Christ ….
    Kevin, you wanted to be remembered for your sound teaching – you have that, and more.
    Enter into the JOY of the LORD!

  32. Saddened to find out about Kevin Conner’s passing. I have at least 2 books of his in my personal library. What I loved about reading his books was the thought he placed in them. Kevin Conner’s books are not quick reading. They make you think, get out your bible and compare the scriptures for yourselves. The books mirror a man who loved God and gave deep thought to the things of the Kingdom. To Dr. Conner’s family, thank you for sharing him with the world and my prayers are for you. May the comforting Jesus touch your hearts and remind you again and again of the great memories of your father. You shall see him again

  33. Kevin, a wonderful, loving, kind person. Such a legacy he has left for us all. Warmest thoughts and wishes for Kevin dancing with God, fond wishes and prayers for Kevin, Sharon, Frank, Mark, Nicole and family.

  34. It’s been said “All that is gold doesn’t glitter.” That’s Kevin Conner. He was of a rare breed of father/leader whose value increased the more and longer you knew him. His skill as a teacher and author is widely known. But what impressed me equally is that he remained the eager student and lover of Jesus, His inexhaustible Word and the Holy Spirit through his latter years. The four years I sat under his influence at PBC was one of the greatest gifts God gave me. His influence on my life, like 10’s of thousands of others, is unsurpassed.

  35. Sad farewell to, and many fond memories of this great spiritual father and mentor — Throughout my formative years, for the decade of the 1970’s I itinerated two or three times a year across Australia from east to west with Kevin, carrying his bags and hosting him for the organisation that sponsored his ministry. I was very young in the ministry and was gifted with a rare opportunity to be alongside such a great man. We ate together, stayed together, prayed together (until he exhausted me into sleep like the disciples in the Garden), as we travelled together and even shared the same motel rooms. He taught us in Bible College, I heard him teach often in the great charismatic conferences of the era …and then there were all those intimate personal interactions chewing the fat and eating the sweet (so to speak) as we flew countless hours around the outback and right across the Nullabor, and up and down the west coast. He was first on the scene to help in a church crisis and saved my future by insightful pastoral counsel and wisdom on how to deal with it — R.I.P. Kevin J Conner – loved, never forgotten, ever appreciated. Condolences to all the family.

  36. Kevin Conners,a mighty man of God. Praise to you Lird how much he influenced my thoughts with his teachings on the Parables in his book “Mystery Parables of the Kingdom” especially about the Pearl of great Price. Through his teaching I realised I wasthe Pearl of great price who Jesus died for.
    Kevin will b greatly missed by all who knew him and all who read his books.
    My heartfelt condolences to his family.

  37. Kevin Conner imparted in me the love for the Word of God. When i was a student in University, he came to KL and taught KEY OF KNOWLEDGE seminar, it was an eye opener for me the wealth of the Bible.
    Those were the foundation stones that i have built upon for years!!
    Thank you for feeding us, helping us to fall in love with the Word again and again!! Forever grateful!!

    Our heartfelt condolence to the family

  38. On behalf of Evangel Christian Fellowship in Perth and our outreach churches in Malaysia, we are forever thankful and grateful to God for Kevin J Conner for helping us to establish our church vision. His labour of love by producing many teaching books especially The Foundation Christian Doctrine, Methods and Principles of Bible Research, Exposition on the Book of Daniel and Revelation and his messages. These teachings have impacted and established our church with a firm foundation.

    Kevin’s passing is our loss but heaven’s gain. Such a legacy he has left for us all.
    God Bless you and your family.

  39. Ebony-Jane Carroll

    I’ve known a Kevin since I was a child attending CityLife Church, all of his sermons felt like they only lasted minutes because I could have listened to him talk forever. His sense of humour won me over! During the past couple of years I would often run into Kevin and Rene at the local shops and we would chat at the cafe about the Word and his passion had not wavered, it was refreshing. I once asked him as a teenager, should I put out a fleece to see if God will do something for me? I will never forget his answer, he gently told me ‘It is not wise to test God.’ That will never leave me, Kevin’s legacy has truly impacted my life for the better. I am very sad he is gone. My condolences to his family, you were so blessed to have him.

  40. Dennis and Kathy Balcombe

    A true heart of love for the people of God. A teacher among teachers. Remembering Kevin Conner as a teacher I grew up under after I received the Holy Spirit. He came to our home church, Shiloh Church, in Oakland, California in the late 1960’s. I learned things from the Word of God that has kept me to today. He also came to Hong Kong to visit us and also we saw the Chinese Church greatly blessed by the pure and life changing Word of God. Praise God! Truly a general in His Kingdom.

  41. I remember when pastor Kevin and Joyce came to Bible Temple years ago and sang a song entitled ..”Who is this King of Glory”! Both Kevin and Joyce sang with all of their hearts and brought such and impartation to our church on 76th and Glisan. His teaching on the Tabernacle of David laid the foundation for our church to understand the Presence of God as well as our identity as Kings and priests before the Lord!
    It was a life transforming message for Bible Temple and began a new chapter for the move of God that was taking place.
    I am forever grateful and blessed to have known this family!
    Ray Galligan

  42. There’s nothing that can be said, that hasn’t been said before. Kevin’s love for The Word, The Church and people was second to none. His influence was global. His knowledge was legendary. His application was prevalent. His humility was second to none. Prayers for the family are coming from me in Canada.

  43. We offer our heartfelt condolences to Brother Kevin’s family. As an MFI member who attended several of his classes & gained so much from his teachings, I can say that Kevin was so highly revered. We also loved his humor. But, the main thing that sticks with me today is that as an author who wrote a short book about a trial my husband faced in 2010, Brother Kevin came up and offered to buy a copy. I could only blush and say, ”Please accept a free copy from me, Brother Kevin.” I was totally overwhelmed that he would be interested in our story. This truly showed his greatness and humility. What a heritage and what an example he set for us all. Looking forward to seeing him in Heaven.

  44. I have been a believer in Jesus since 1973 and actively involved in ministry since 1978. I had the privilege to sit under Kevin’s teaching in Bible College in Anchorage Alaska and also listened to Kevin teach at numerous conferences over the years. Kevin possessed the ability to dig deeply into the word of God and shed light on mysteries hidden for generations.
    That God-given skill, coupled with his tireless work ethic, set him as a apostolic teacher head and shoulders above the rest. But most of all, in the few personal encounters I had with Brother Kevin, I was captured by his love and kindness that always seemed to flow out of him. In all my 40 years of ministry Kevin was one of the most impressive ministers of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. My heart and sincere prayers go out to his family at this time. I know those most close to him will be comforted by the testimony of a race well run! You will be missed here on the earth.

    Greatest respect,

    Tom Hardiman
    MorningStar Ministries
    Fort Mill, SC

    1. Great memories. Great influence. Great is our God!
      I and my family are a result of Solid Bible Teaching!

  45. I first met Kevin in October of 1975. He came to teach at the Bible College of Abbot Loop Christian Center in Anchorage, Alaska. I was a student then and upon receiving such depth of the Word when he spoke, I went to the campus guest house to meet with him and ask him questions. Once I became a pastor, I devoured and taught from his books. I corresponded frequently with him by mail (and later by email), sending a list of questions he faithfully responded to. Whenever I attended a conference he spoke at, he always made time to spend with me and, yes, answer more questions. He came to speak at the church I pastored, a pastor’s conference I hosted, and when I lived in Oregon, he came to visit his daughter and grandchildren in the same town I lived for a while and made time for me even then. He wrote and encouraged me in hard times. He showed himself to be a true spiritual father to me and let me know that he loved me by his care, concern, and investment into my life as a mentor. The last blessing I received from him was an endorsement for and a “Foreword” for a book I had written and published. I am so thankful, too, for the book he wrote about his life. It is an inspiration. Of the tools he gave me to interpret scripture–priceless. Of the incredible insight and depth of revelation he deposited into us all on Daniel and Revelation, I’m forever indebted. Because of his example as a Bible scholar, a pillar of truth, and a role model as a spiritual father, I have been shaped and molded by his influence into the man I am today. In my earlier years, I once aspired to achieve what he had achieved until I realized it was impossible to do. He was one of a kind. A true giant among men, a humble man, and a man who showed kindness, care, and love toward me. I am both sad and glad. Sad to have not lived closer to spend time with him in his last years, but glad to know he is with the One whom he loved most and, no doubt, is being swarmed by thousands who’ve benefitted from his writings and teachings, welcoming him home. I love you, Pop. Can’t wait to reunite with you someday.

  46. Remembering Kevin Connor. I remember many biblical ideas and expansive doctrines he taught us. I treasure most of them still. Yet perhaps the most valuable thing he passed down was not simply what to think but how to think. Often he would say…”this one is for the student”. … leaving bread crumbs for anyone who may be interested in more than an “A” on the final exam. (which I never got)

  47. David (& Nancy) Hardwick

    Nancy and I first met brother Kevin in an evening service at Bible Temple in January of 1979. I remember he was covering the second coming of Christ and one of my cherished theories melted in a matter of 60 minutes. I realized I didn’t really know much of anything but had come somewhere I could begin to learn the Bible. Having just spent 2 years in the outback of western Australia a year before we felt so excited to have a familiar Australian connection to Portland Bible College. We will always appreciate brother Kevin and brother Dick Iverson for their fatherhood and leadership in the faith.

    1. Wonderful to see your tribute – We met in Exmouth W.A., and I think, recommended “Bible Temple” and the Portland church to you — this wonderful man, meant much to us. I posted a tribute earlier. Blessings.

      1. Yes Graham, I’ve wondered how you’ve been. It’s been many years since we saw you and Patty. Yes, you did first tell us about Bible Temple. Gary Jones went first before I was discharged from the Navy, we came later.
        Remembering Howard Carter, Spencer Bell, and you guys when you flew into Exmouth, Western Australia in that little piper plane. We had 3 men we considered spiritual fathers in our life: Jim Dixon, Dick Iverson and Kevin Conner.
        David & Nancy Hardwick
        Wenatchee, Washington

  48. When i first came to Melbourne in the late 80s as a student at Monash, the Lord led me to WCF, where i spent many many happy years, sitting under and learning from Bro Kevin. He was an amazingly humble man, asking everyone to call him Brother Kevin. His knowledge of the Word is one thing, but it’s his love for the Word, that was what he has imparted to thousands of people, and that is the sign of a true apostolic teacher. Attending Foundations of Christian Doctrine, key of knowledge or the weekly services meant getting to know the heart of one who truly truly loved the Word, the unadulterated and pure Word of God that has no equal. He has been a real father in the faith to me, and i remember the last service I attended before I returned to Singapore, he got me to come up on the podium to say bye and to pray for me. I will never forget his kindness, his humility and his availability in opening his heart to others. I can just imagine him right now in heaven comparing his notes with the Teacher Himself. May the Lord continue to use his books and teachings to impact more for the Kingdom. Amen! Love you Bro Kevin.

  49. Brian and I are so grateful to Kevin for his input into our lives. He was one who would not compromise the Word of God and stayed true to his calling no matter the consequences. He has had our admiration and gratitude since we first met, I think in the late 70’s, and has been a wonderful example to us through those years. We thank him for the many years of study and for being a seeker of the Truth. Condolences to you Mark, Nicole and family and Sharon and Frank and family.

  50. I was privileged to travel with Kevin on numerous missions trips to Eastern Europe in the late 90’s where he taught Key of Knowledge seminars and impacted church leaders in Hungary, Romania and Poland. To see the authentic Christlike servant live and minister has forever impacted and transformed my life. Many church leaders were given valuable and practical tools in handling God’s word with passion and accuracy. His love of the Word was more caught than taught through his inspiration to always encourage you to dig deeper. I will never forget his starting the day by rolling out of bed onto his knees every day with prayer. The long car trips were always a treat as he would open up the word for the most invaluable seed gathering teachings.
    Thank you Kevin you have blessed so many so much!

  51. Robyn and Kevin Miller

    My Father and I had the Priveilliage of having Christmas Dinner with Nicole and Mark and Family and Kevin and Rene Christmas 2001 the year my Mother passed away It was a lovely evening sharing, a meal with the Conner Family and the start of a new friendship.
    I have a friend Ron Courtis who was in the same Salvation Army Boys Home as Kevin was . Even in this Boys Home Kevin was respected, and known by all.
    there are two brilliant Evangelists that I truly admired, Billy Graham and Kevin Conner two remarkable Men of God.
    To Sharon and Frank and Family Mark and Nicole and Family We embrace you with all our love at the time of Sorrow.
    Robyn and Kevin Miller

  52. My tribute to KEVIN CONNOR, for a man of the word and he took it to parts of the world even in the last ten years he had travelled to preach God’s word to his people. I remember Kevin Connor fondly in 2010 when he came to Malaysia to preach on the Book of Revelation to the church. He faithfully and humbly shared God’s word over the week to His people. From Kevin Connor I found my family of God and church here in melbourne when I moved in 2011 to Australia. I take my hat off to a man who faithfully served the Lord with all his heart, mind and soul, God Blessings has been shared with the world through your preaching and service to the Lords!

  53. I first met Kevin Conner in Sydney in 1971 as a 17 year old long-haired barefooted hippie type, just newly come to the Lord.

    He was standing on the steps of the church, prior to the service. He was dressed in a white shirt, a narrow dark tie, and a grey cardigan—very conservative and straight!

    Not knowing who he was, I bound up to him and said, “Hi, my name’s David” and he said, “Hi, I’m Kevin”. No airs or pretence, totally accepting. When the service began he was introduced as the visiting ministry!

    Thirty-three years later he endorsed my book, ‘Snakes in the Temple’—not the kind of title that will win friends and influence people!

    This was the mark of the man. He endorsed it, not because of popularity – putting aside any thought of his own reputation – but because he genuinely believed that it spoke truthfully.

    Above all, Kevin Conner was a man of truth, a man of the Word of God, animated by a hunger for Christ as the way, the truth, and the life.

    I had the privilege of sitting under Kevin in many conferences and services during our formative years in the early to mid 1970s. He provided a model of the true man of God as a man of the Word—a model to which I could aspire, and did.

    Again as a mark of the man, six years later I was in Melbourne on a business trip when he opened his home to me, inviting me around for dinner with the family. Keep in mind I was nobody. Again, no airs or pretence, completely genuine—a pure, humble man of God who loved God’s people and was available to them. A true servant of the King!

    I last spoke to him four years ago. It was to discuss a significant issue in the larger body of Christ and a new article I had written to speak into it. He was, as usual, full of energy and great humour as he provided encouragement, sprinkled with sage advice.

    He was a true father in the Lord. A man that gave his utmost for His highest.

    Well done Kevin, thank you for your love for the Lord, for your sacrifice, and your example!

  54. Br Kevin’s insight into the Word was nothing short of a divine revelation, only the Holy Spirit could have opened up the Word in such depth. Many good teachers abound who may be inspiring and informative, but I found that of Br Kevin transformative. Who else can you recall his teachings 30 years on. I’m so grateful that he has laid the foundation of the Word in the Body of Christ locally, on which we can further extend the kingdom of God. His intellect did not get in the way of him being down to earth, funny, and accessible. I will always be grateful to have sat in his pews, his offices and his lounge room to listen to his counsel. Now he can finally ask Jesus all the hard questions and the mysteries – and as he once said, “Let’s all gang up on Adam for getting us into this mess”! We will miss you so much., but have a wonderful Homecoming.

  55. Kevin used to visit our church in Newcastle back in the 1980s and do a teaching weekend every year which was a highlight of the year. I particularly enjoyed his teaching on eschatology even though I don’t agree with it all now. He had a great dry wit and memorable phrases like ‘sneaky rapture.’ He was very approachable and a person of great integrity. We used his book on Christian doctrine in our local church Bible school and I had to look up every bible verse he referred to an exhausting task!

  56. When we initially joined Waverley Christian Fellowship, while we were amazed at the biblical insight & depth that Kevin Conner brought through his teaching and yes with a touch of humour too, it was to us, his humility that made him stand out as a man of God! If Kevin ever did have any biblical related questions, he now has them all answered as he celebrates the joy of being in His Master’s presence! Both Rene & Kevin were such an example to all of us! He was much loved and will be missed!

  57. We so appreciated Kevin, his teaching and friendship over all the years from when he came to Waverley Christian Fellowship and joined with Richard Holland our Founding Pastor. The passing of the baton of church leadership ceremony from Richard to Kevin was very special. Allan attended our church Bible College just so he could sit under Kevin’s teaching and deep knowledge of God’s Word . Kevin has reached out to many people. We are sure he is now with his Saviour and entered into His eternal rest. What a glorious crown he will wear covered in jewels, a just reward. Thanks Kevin. Love Allan and Diane Lancaster

  58. Of all the great teachers of our generation, it is extremely rare to come across one whose teaching and insights had such profound impact on not just on those of us who had the privilege to know him in Australia but across the world. For one who is truly a Master Teacher of his time who possesses such profound and in-depth knowledge and insight, he was always a humble man who never pursue fame or recognition. Yet many around the world highly commended him. I always knew Rev Kevin Conner’s life story as one who was orphaned (cared for his whole life by the Salvos) and who never finish high school (up to Year 9), yet he wrote more than 60 books in his lifetime used by countless bible schools across the world. At one stage, (at the request of a missionary), I used to buy his books and gift them to churches overseas. I remembered one particular church pastor in Papua New Guinea (who have never heard of Kevin’s teaching before) wrote back to me to express their gratitude; that church taught from his book and the resulting impact was a massive church growth they have never experienced before both in numbers and quality.

    Echoing my husband, there are many good teachers out there whose words will inform or even inspire us, but Rev Kevin Conner’s teaching are transformative. He has nonetheless attracted a fair share of controversies in his time but for those of us who really appreciated what he has to give, we find his teaching life-changing. I had the privilege of sitting under his teaching for 1 year (Foundations of Christian Doctrines), being completely blown away after each of his lessons by just the immense revelation and insights; his teaching then created the rock solid foundation and shaped the values of my-then young life. They are still the principles I hold dear and would in-turn often impart to those around me now.

    Rev Kevin officiated our wedding 18 years ago and I fondly remembered his message and my own father,albeit rare for him to do so, going up to Kevin personally and effusively thanking him for his service.

    I truly thank you for the privilege of sitting under your ministry, Rev Kevin Conner. We truly honor you. I know that the Lord will say to you ‘Well done good and faithful servant. Now come into my rest…’

  59. Kevin, as he simply liked to be addressed, ushered in the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives by opening up the Word of God. He faithfully taught the Word of God that illuminated our understanding and searched our hearts, transforming our lives. What others were calling the work of the devil, he discerned through scripture that the Holy Spirit was doing a wonderful thing and led us to drink. What others were holding on to as Godly tradition, he called out as “smells, bells and nonsense”. As an esteemed leader, he didn’t force his interpretation of scripture on us for his own benefit but patiently showed us how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. “Scripture interprets scripture”, he used to say. During your leadership, there was even more church governance, while many others clutched at power and fell from grace. So many accolades yet so humble and approachable, he was tender hearted and shed tears of empathy often.

    Thank you Kevin for all that you did for us, enter into your rest and enjoy your eternal rewards. We miss you such that we unconsciously always look for your characteristics in Christian leaders today. Your legacy will live on for many generations.

  60. I will miss Kevin – a true Father in the faith. I came to Australia on a two week business trip (once in a lifetime event – I thought…) and met Kevin in the visitors’ lounge at Waverley Christian Fellowship. The conversation with him captured my heart… I read some of his books… and four months later the Koch family left Germany and landed in Australia! I will treasure the times we had talking about the church, the deeper things of God and sensing his heart for people. I am still amazed that he invited me to teach alongside him soon after arriving from Germany and that he had room in his heart and life for us as a family. I am thankful that our paths intersected… and I want to be one of those who carry his legacy of a passion for the Word of God and a glorious church.

  61. Rev Dr K Conner teachings have helped to establish and strengthen my faith as a young adult during my univ and early working years. Many of the Malaysian students that he discipled through the Timothy Classes have become pastors back in Asia and have carried on his legacy to bless thousands more.

  62. The Bible says we have many teachers – BUT FEW FATHERS…….Kevin Conner was one of the most important Fathers in my life. He spent time with me – and took me into his heart. He gave me counsel and advice. He was always kind and available.

    In 1972, when he was a teacher at Portland Bible College, I became an ardent student/disciple….I thank the Lord for the wonderful gift he was to the Body of Christ. …….

    Kevin Conner was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1927, became a Christian at the age of 14, and served in the Salvation Army until the age of 21.

    In 1972 they moved to Portland, Oregon to serve with Dick Iverson at Bible Temple. It was there where I met him and he was a dear friend to me all of my life.

    He was also an integral leader with MFI (Ministers Fellowship International).

    Although he was “World Renowned” – and considered by many to be one of the greatest bible teachers and theologians of our time, he would make special time for a breakfast with me when I was at the annual MFI conference.

    I was always blessed by his humble attitude – everyone was important to him.
    He coined so many phases still used today, like: “The best commentary on the Bible, is the Bible.” or ” “So many men receive there Bible degrees from our cemeteries,,,,,, Oh, I mean Seminaries”.

    His sense of humor was so uplifting and we all loved him
    so dearly…. Pastor Ed Becker…

  63. I first got to hear Brother Kevin when he taught the Kingdom Parable series at Bible Way in Richland, Washington. I believe the year was 1972. I was blown away by his grasp of the Bible and the humor he evoked delivering the Word.

    By the time I got to attend Portland Bible College in the early nineties Kevin was long gone but his imprint remained and has continued to bless and shape my life.

  64. Francisco Andrade T.

    I visited this webpage as I use to do once every 3 months and get the news of the passing by of Dr. Conner.
    I am a seventh day adventist from Chile, and God directed me to The Tabernacle of Moses several years ago. Today I’ve read more than 6 books from him, and I praise the Lord for the wisdom given to his son.
    I hope to find Dr. Conner in the Holy Temple en heaven and thank him for the great blessing he shared with us through his books. God may bless his familiy in these sad moments.

  65. We have honoured Kevin throughout his life and now we honour him in his passing. His foundational teaching has established so many in the understanding of the word and we have used these foundations to build upon. Our church fellowship has been established upon these foundations and people are always growing as their feet are established upon the rock Christ Jesus. I thank the Lord for his diligence in searching out the Scriptures and for his humility to take these treasures to those groups of God’s people who are small in number, short on possessions and insignificant to the world but previous to God. Thank you Kevin. Your wealth does not pass with you but has been left as an inheritance for us all. May the coming generations come to understand the value of having a good foundation and be established in the Word of God so we can all continue to build up the body of Christ in and for the love of Jesus our Lord.

  66. Crystal and I have been greatly blessed to have been under Kevin Conner’s leadership when we were at the church. He shaped our faith greatly through his passion and knowledge of The Word. It was through his tutelage, we develop a strong foundation as believers that held us in good stead through all times. The legacy he deposited into us has in turn made us pastors here in Melbourne as well as teachers hosting Leadership Empowerment Conferences in other nations. Thanks be unto God for the exemplary life of a great saint who is now welcomed into the loving arms of our Father.

  67. Joseph & Cecilia Cheong

    We love and will miss you KEVIN –

    Knowledge you impart to others generously and selflessly;

    Enduring rejection since birth yet became a father of faith to the many;

    Victorious living you exemplified as the author of your inspired
    theological library;

    Inspired the countless young and old by your life journey;

    New beginning of life in Christ Jesus from earth to glory, and
    through eternity.

  68. My husband (now deceased) and I were very privileged to sit under Kevin’s teaching and bible studies. It instilled in my husband especially but myself as well a love for the word, particularly the Old Testament . I remember being astounded at the truths Kevin unlocked for us, it was truly food for my soul. I will be forever grateful for his counsel and care for us during a very difficult time in our lives. What he put into us at that time has stood me well after losing my darling husband recently. Kevin’s humility, his love for the church and of course the word was what my husband modelled his life on , always honouring Kevin as his father in the faith.

    1. Petra, am so sorry to hear of Mark’s passing .. we have thought of you both often and have prayed much for you in recent years. Much love, Jan and Geraldine Brandt

  69. One afternoon back in the 70’s when I was a student at PBC at 76th and Glisan, I received a note in my box from Bro. Conner saying it was urgent that I come and see him immediately. He being the Dean at the time, I knew it must be important, and since it was after school hours, I walked to his house which was a few blocks from school. Sis. Joyce let me in, and I made my way up to the “Holy of Holies” as his office was affectionately referred to by us students (smile). He greeted me with moist eyes, and informed me that he had just left a meeting with the PBC faculty in which they had finally decided to dismiss me for one of my many foolish infractions of the PBC rules. He explained that he had opposed the decision, but was outvoted. I was shocked, just devastated. We talked for a while, and then he prayed for me. As I stood up to leave he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “What’s going to become of you, son?” I don’t think I’ve ever felt that much love from another person in my entire life as I felt at that moment. I told him not to worry, that I would be fine, and as I closed the door behind me, I could hear him softly weeping on the other side.

    Throughout these 40-plus years since, I’ve often remembered that meeting, and the love of Christ that Bro. Conner showed me that day. And whenever things seemed darkest, it always gave me great comfort to know that wherever he was, he – – like our great High Priest (Heb. 3:1, 4:14) – – loved me, and was praying for me.

    As probably most of us will attest, he was one of the greatest men of God we have ever known, and one of the truly great Teachers in the Body of Christ. But I’ll always be most grateful for how Kevin Conner was a true father to me that day (1 Cor. 4:15).

  70. Kevin is my favourite Bible teacher. He opened my eyes to truths which I have never heard before. I find myself quoting him more than anyone else. Thank you Kevin

  71. Will be greatly missed. Have been truly blessed & inspired by your teaching of the Word. Instilled such a love of God’s Word in me & how to interpret Scriptures & be obedient to God through His Word. Rest in Peace…

  72. I never met Mr. Conner in person but feel to a certain degree that I knew him in ‘spirit’ through his writings, especially his works on The Covenants and Symbols & Types, for which I am immensely grateful. Though he is no longer in his “earthly tent”; for sure he is in his “eternal house” & no doubt through his writings – “he still speaks.”

  73. Wow! a great general of the faith. I Have not met Ps. Conner, but his books imparted my life. I call him a distance mentor. He will truly be missed. He was a great treasure to the Body of Christ.

  74. My deepest condolences to the family. It is sad time for everyone at the passing of a parent. Rev Connor was the first lecturer that I sat under at Harvest Bible College in July 1990. The class was taught to embrace the study of Gods word and his gentle manner was impeccable. What an outstanding Bible Teacher. He inspired many of us to go and do great works in the kingdom. Thank you Rev Connor for the incredible sacrifices you made in sharing your knowledge of Gods word with so many people in the world.

  75. Kevin, an unschooled orphan became the most wonderful exponent of Scripture that I know. He taught me, and so many, how to use Bible to check Bible and always, always, to reveal Jesus. I loved him. I loved Rene, I loved his books and he became my special friend too. Here in Hong Kong our unschooled orphans have become sons of God and, of course, like Kevin, can understand Scripture and see Jesus in every book of the Bible, the Law, the Prophets and the History, which was and is to come. His story has become our story. We thank God for him, his visits to us, his incredible books and his wisdom from the Lord. We miss him. What a loss to the body of Christ and what a gift he was to the church. But he has gained Christ. Thank God for him that his Bible material lives on through his books and his podcasts. Thankyou Lord, for him, and thankyou, Conner family, for sharing him.

    With our love in Christ,

    Jackie Pullinger

  76. The children of the Lord when they move to be with the Father in heaven is a joy for them. Although it is sad for their families and friends because they will not see them in this world again, however, we will see them in heaven. I offer my condolences to Pastor Mark Conner and the family.
    Nissen Youhan

  77. As a young teenager, I remember sitting on the edge of my seat as Kevin Conner taught series about the Kingdom parables. It was more exciting than any entertainment series on television! He inspired me with a passion for digging deep into the treasures of the Word that has lasted all my life.
    A few years ago we were in a remote town in Hungary sitting in a pastor’s lounge room and he pointed out to us a chair and told us that Kevin had been sitting there sharing about the Word, just a few years previously.
    Here in Indonesia there are many pastors who have been inspired by Kevin and continuing to teach what he has taught them, in seminars and through his books.
    Indeed all over the world 2Timothy 2:2 is being fulfilled. “And the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” May his legacy continue till the Lord returns and we meet together in the air!

  78. Kevin Conner’s manual on Moses Tabernacle was such a blessing when I first began pastoring in 1977, I used it in a Bible School convened by Pastor Gordon Nagas for indigenous people and some students still remember the teaching.! What a great legacy he has left here that will continue to produce fruit for the Kingdom. “ From little acorns big trees grow” . What a great way to finish his race after a difficult beginning. Well done Kevin!

  79. Bro Kevin Conner consistently walked his talk both in his private and public life. Kevin was a Teacher among teachers. He taught the word with great authority and anointing. He was a man of great humility, a man of compassion and a highly disciplined man especially in his prayer life. His teaching on the Covenants and other Bible themes unlocked the understanding of the Bible for me.

    During my early Uni days Kevin and Joyce invited me and some Asian students to their home for dinner one Christmas Eve. After the yummy dinner so lovingly prepared mostly by Sis. Joyce, we all sat in the lounge to watch Carols by Candlelight. As Kevin’s friend Robert Coleman was about to sing Kevin shouted “Sing it Robert!” An unforgettable night of fun and warm fellowship!

    Kevin loved to develop leaders. I was with a small group of Uni students learning how to do Bible Research. Kevin taught us how to use the Strongs Concordance and other Bible tools to do word studies and other topics.

    On another occasion I had an appointment to see Kevin about prophetic words over my life. He asked me to bring the tape recording and 2 typed copies of the recording. After listening to the recording we went through the typed copies in detail – line upon line. Kevin dissected the words with precision like a surgeon! He challenged me to use my gifting and prayed for me.

    One final story. I was staying in the Uni Halls of Residence and one day I met this girl who was in tears and was suicidal. As an inexperienced young Christian I didn’t know what to do. I got in touch with Helen, one of my spiritual mums. She contacted Kevin and both of them came to meet us at the Residence. Kevin asked us to pray as he ministered to the girl. God gave Kevin the wisdom and compassion to turn her situation around. As we were leaving Kevin gave me an additional counselling tip. A personal counselling session to be treasured!

    Bro. Kevin – Peggy and I will miss you. dearly. You and Pastor Richard Holland and Mark and your wives and families have brought us so much joy and blessing. We as a church community are so proud and appreciative of the rich spiritual heritage and legacy from all of you.

    Peace and comfort to Sharon, Frank, Mark, Nicole and family.

  80. Earthly words struggle to describe this truly amazing man of God.
    Will always hold close to my heart and cherish the precious time we spent together.

  81. Ps Kevin Conner was a man of God that so very much influenced Bev and I, without a doubt we are eternally grateful for him.
    His teaching built faith and vision into us, that sprung boarded us into ministry.
    We thank God for Kevin, his long unwavering walk with God that was an example to all of us coming behind.
    Our love goes out to Mark and Sharon and all the family!
    What a legacy, City Impact Church (one of thousands) say thankyou Ps Kevin.
    With heartfelt thanks and blessings
    Peter and Bev Mortlock

  82. Kevin,
    “Thank You “
    for your years of Godly teaching , your study books that have blessed us all so much & your faithfulness to the Body of Christ.-you were always so approachable . Words cannot convey how much you will be missed

  83. Pastor Allan Jones

    I never met Kevin, but in reading many of his books he formed the basis of much of my ministry. Vale Kevin you have touched many lives and help to populate the Kingdom. To Mark and his family may Our Gracious Lord comfort you in your loss and bless you with the wonderful knowledge of Kevin’s ultimate promotion.

  84. Kevin lived to serve God with every ounce of energy he had, using every gift that God had given him to its maximum ability, and leaving nothing behind. In the 26 years of our friendship the thing that left the most indelible impression on me was that he never touched money or the glory that came with his leadership or his gift; Kevin lived selflessly, learning not for the sake of learning, but for the sole purpose of imparting his wisdom to empower and uplift others. This was truly exemplified when he passed on the baton of the church to his son Mark; I have never seen a leader demonstrate the level of dedication and unqualified support that he gave during the church’ transition and for many years thereafter.

    I was privileged to serve on Kevin’s board over two decades and also travel with him, experiences that I shall be forever grateful for. One particular week I watched him teach 40 times, and turn around to fly back economy to arrive back in Melbourne on Saturday morning so he could attend the 4:30pm church service; I never seen anyone with the level of drive and relentless energy that he demonstrated daily. Kevin lived a life in every way honoring to God and in humble service to everyone he encountered, his gift of teaching and his legacy of selfless giving will continue to impact my life and I am sure many others for years to come.

  85. Richard C Benjamin

    I am so sad to learn of the passing of Kevin J. Conner. He became a mentor and spiritual father to me, especially during three wonderful months in 1984 when he taught at Abbott Loop Bible School every morning and tutored me and three other men every afternoon.
    His integrity, love for the Bible, balanced theology, and wonderful sense of humor shaped me and still come through me in teaching and relationships.
    My wife Deloris and I both loved Kevin Conner very much, and we will be forever grateful for his influence in our lives.
    Rick Benjamin
    Abbott Loop Community Church
    Anchorage, Alaska

  86. Such a privilege to have known Kevin and to have been blessed by his wonderful ministry. A true Servant of the Most High, humble and loving, deserving of all the rewards that Heaven holds.

  87. I’ll forever be indebted to God for Kevin J. Conner life poured forth as drink offering. One of the finest scholar, erudite, and fundi of the Bible I’ve ever met not in person but through his writings. He impacted my life so strongly and God used him to shape my theological position and Doctrine. Thank you God for this great Apostle and didactic scriber. May his family find solence and all comfort from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

  88. I thank the Lord so much for Kevin Conner’s influence on myself and my family. I fondly remember his bible teachings on ACTION nights and his church sermons.
    I will never forget the words he proclaimed during communion at Waverley Christian Fellowship one Sunday where he said “this table is not a WCF table; it is the Lord’s table and all are welcome.” Ever since I’ve always felt so accepted and welcome at this church.

    I also remember him sharing that his favourite movie was Anne of Green Gables so I was so happy to share a favourite movie with Kevin!

    I am so thankful for the life and ministry and solid bible teachings of Kevin Conner and I thank God for that.

  89. In these days when too many who should know better are being swayed by the winds of wrong doctrine, the church on earth has lost from its ranks one of its greatest and most faithful teachers of the Word of God who has gone to his rest and to be with the Lord, which is far better.

    I was a student in the university in 1990 when i joined Waverly Christian Fellowship. The church had such a welcoming atmosphere and tbat was down to not only the many excellent elders and deacons and ninisters and members there but perhaps mostly due to its set man and Senior Minister. Ahead even of his high stature as a universally respected teacher of the Word of God, was Kevin’s fatherly heart. He kept the house safe with his teaching and so many years later, the values and teachings that he imparted continue to influence my life. He also commissioned the foundation of a new church in Kuala Lumpur in 1992 and so I naturally joined that church when I returned to Malaysia. Kevin continued to encourage and support us in the subsequent years.

    It is difficult to believe that we will not hear him teach the Word of God this side of New Jerusalem again with his inimitable turn of phrase (like “I can’t help it if I am right!”) and humour and sharp insight. Still, it remains for us to take up the baton that he has laid down and to serve our generations as he has served his, for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Yes, always remember Pastor Kevin as one of great humour and how he brought the bible to life. He often quipped “we don’t steal sheep, we grow greener grass”.
      A mighty man of God who lived out God’s word, we hope to emulate your godly example. You are deeply missed in our hearts.
      Juelle Oh, ANC, Malaysia

  90. I have never personally met Kevin before. But his “blockbuster” books impacted and inspired me to understand the big picture of God’s truth.

    Though Kevin has left this world, he will always be remembered for his rigor approach in granulating, collating and integrating the whole truth of God. His books till today are pearls of truth, scholarly weaved and copiously put together are great tools in equipping the Body of Christ to serve God with the power of knowledge of His Word.

    As for me I am enraptured each time I delved into Kevin’s treasure trove which are the many books he had written. How amazed I am by the opulence of his insights and knowledge of the Word that also spurs me with inspiration to study the Bible from revelatory perspective.

    Fortunately for us, Kevin had left the fossils of his teaching knowledge in all his earthly books, and at least for me he as the teacher of the Word will remain par excellence in terms of his quality of teachings and skills of presenting God’s Word.

    Kevin was a great gift to the Body of Christ. He will be missed!

    Melvyn Lee

  91. Thank you Kevin. You changed my life. I came to PBC as a brand new Christian who knew nothing at all but you gave me a love for Scripture that never left. Your teaching on covenants unlocked the Bible for me. But most of all you were a father to all of us and we will love you and remember you always.

  92. Peggy Griner, Ann Klein

    Our first correspondence with Kevin was on Feb.10, 1983. Over the years we listened to his teachings on cassette tapes and studied his books. He answered any questions (by mail) and gave us much Biblical understanding. Two different times, one of them Sept.25 & 26, 2004, Kevin & Rene came to a small town(Trinidad, Co.), to a small church(New Life Fellowship) and ministered to a small group of saints. We are very grateful that Kevin took time to communicate with us. Truly Kevin was a “father” in the Lord.
    In Christ, Peggy Griner, Ann Klein

  93. Francine DiGregorio

    My 2 children & I had the joy and privilege of meeting Kevin and Rene in the fall of 2002 and 2004. They came to our church, New Life Fellowship, in Trinidad, Colorado, USA. Even before this, we had studied Kevin’s teachings -listening to his (cassette)tapes and continued to do so for many years. I have read several of Kevin’s books. We have been greatly impacted by Kevin & Rene’s lives as role models. Also Kevin’s powerful, anointed teachings had a significant influence on the three of us. It is one of the main reasons we are still walking with our Lord. He was a father figure to us & an inspiration, especially his humility. With our heartfelt sympathy, F.D.G. & children

  94. Dear Mark, Sharon and Conner Family.
    My name is Clif Cool and I am so grateful to your Dad (and Mom) for their sacrifices they have made over the years, to the Body of Christ. I had the privilege of receiving awesome resources and sat under him personally at Conferences held at Bible Temple as well. I pray the Lord comfort you all. Thank you Jesus for the many memories that will flood the families hearts well into the future.
    Respectfully Yours,
    Pastor Clifford Cool, Hope Restoration Christian Fellowship,
    Windham, New York

  95. We know you have gone to a better place Brother Kevin. But in our hearts, we also know that we have lost a great teacher, pastor, mentor and friend.

    Up until today, we continue to quote you. You have lived an uncompromised life, a life of integrity, worthy of our Saviour and praise.

    We were privileged to have you as our Pastor and Teacher, after our beloved Pastor Richard Holland.

    James and I have thanked you for all your teaching, guidance and books you have written whilst you were here with us. We have given your books to my brother, a church leader in Malaysia and he had used the materials to bless his church. Thank you Brother Kevin!

    I guess we can never thank you enough. Our loss is truly heaven’s gain. Rejoice Brother Kevin with all your loved ones in heaven until we meet again.

    So sorry for your loss Sharon, Frank, Mark, Nicole and your families. May the comfort of the Holy spirit be with you all. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this difficult time.

  96. Joe and Cathy Mandile

    Kevin played a significant role in forming the foundation of our faith. The pearls he shared with us from the Word of God will forever impact our lives. A gentleman and a scholar as they say! Bless you dear Kevin for your wisdom and humility.
    You will be truly missed.
    Love always
    Joe and Cathy.

  97. Kevin Conner is inspirational and true blessing to the churches. We’re so blessed to be able to learn from him in Citylife church. What a great teacher of the words of God. But what more inspiring is that he was such a humble person. Thank you for such a great legacy.

  98. Pastor Daniel McAuley

    I warmly remember doing Pastor Kevin’s class on how to read and interpret the Bible. His first mention principle and how to use a concordance have helped me in ministry over the last 30 plus years. He will be missed yet remember as a great servant of God and His church.

  99. Barry Goh on behalf of All Nations Church

    Kevin J Conner will always be remembered as a great Servant of God, a Senior Minister and a Spiritual Father to all of us at All Nations Church where he exhibited and exemplified humility, love for the word, the love for God and the seeding of word nuggets. He will be Greatly missed but what he has deposited and taught will feed generations. He is a Blesser, a Giver and a Faithful Servant of the Lord that has indeed deposited into the Churches of Malaysia.We love you, we miss your jokes, we miss you teaching sessions and your friendship.

    All Nations Church

  100. Kevin J Conner, my Senior Minister and my spiritual father in the faith, I have been blessed and honoured to know and to have served with you.

    I will miss your fellowship and the times when we dissected Scriptures together on a one to one basis.

    I am honoured to have travelled with you and to have hosted you at my house where my wife and my family had the chance to know you.

    Thank you for the wisdom you shared to me on the importance of having godly character, and your advice to me to never lose my passion for the Word of God.

    You have shown me what it means to hunger for God’s Word.

    Noel J Ha
    All.Nations Church

  101. I want to honour Ps Kevin for taking me under his wing when I was a young pastor in the early days of bayside church. He invited me to be part of his monthly pastors’ group and encouraged me greatly as I pioneered bayside. He came and preached at bayside church one Sunday in 1993 even though he had such a full schedule and was in great demand. I will always be grateful for his kindness towards me.

  102. What an amazing man of God your dad was , a father of fathers, teacher of teachers. Truly lived a great yet humble life. Such a blessing to have known and learned from him. Prayers and thoughts with you and the family ????????

    [Tweet from Jossy Chacko]

  103. Mark, your father was an inspiration to me as well as an entire generation of Christian leaders. I remember when he invited me to speak at Waverly years ago. I was prettified because he was in the audience. I felt like Moses was there. I am Rejoicing he’s with his Heavenly Father

    [Tweet from Ken Dew]

  104. Mark, our condolences and prayers for you and the family. Dad was a seminal voice in so many of our lives in the journey. His reward is great, your legacy is rich.

    [Tweet from Mark Chironna]

  105. I’m grateful for your dad. His writings opened a brand new world to me as a young pastor. Much love and prayers for you and your family.

    [Tweet from Terry Crist]

  106. He poured out his life generously to so many around the world, a true father in the faith and a treasure to the Kingdom of God. I benefited greatly from his love and wisdom and will carry the seeds of his teachings in my heart forever. Love to you and your family Mark.

    [Tweet from Mike Herron]

  107. Dear Mark, we’d like to express our heartfelt condolences on the sad news of your father’s passing. We always considered him a noble example and a man of erudition, encouragement and bold faith. What a huge legacy he has left. We loved him ???? Mal and Davina

    [Tweet from Mal Fletcher]

  108. Such an inspiring man. Grateful for his life and example. God’s peace and comfort be with you and your family

    [Tweet from Paul Baloche]

  109. Just recently I looked into one of his many books when I prepared some teaching. I met him just once but still remember his kindness. I pray that the great Comforter would comfort your heart.

    [Tweet from Lukas Targosz]

  110. Wonderful man of God that influenced and taught countless people to love God’s Word , sad for your loss but knowing he is heaven’s gain.

    [Tweet from Angelo Cettolin]

  111. What an an amazing man of God. His teaching gift was a 10+ His influence over me a an emerging leader was profound. I am deeply grateful for His tenacity to bring forward Bibical truths that had been ignored. A true General in the Lords army.

    [Tweet from Ian Green]

  112. Our love and condolences Mark and Nicole, Sharon and Frank. Your dad was a true father in the faith to so many including Di and I. What a superb life of Christ honoring integrity. Much love.

    Tweet from John Finkeldie]

  113. Deepest condolences Mark. Your Dad was a true father of the faith and a great encourager of younger leaders. I was a recipient of his personal encouragement on more than one occasion.

    [Tweet from Bill Vasilakis]

  114. What a mighty pastor and bible teacher. His teaching has influenced a multitude of pastors, leaders, and people around the world. A life so well lived.

    [Tweet from Brian Houston, Hillsong Church]

  115. What an amazing man of God your father was. An inspiration to millions, father in the faith to so many. His legacy is amongst the greatest in this day and age. God bless you Mark and family.

    [Tweet from Phil Pringle, C3 Global]

  116. Our hearts are with you and your family! He has been so dear to so many of us who have been blessed by his heart and ministry. Having him be a spiritual father to me in my first adult decade will forever be one of my most treasured blessings. His legacy will live on!

    [Tweet from Ken Malmin, Portland Bible College]

  117. I honour my mentor Kevin J Conner. Kevin mentored me every day for months in 1949 when I came to Christ at the Box Hill Salvation Army service in July that year.
    He guided me to love the word of God, to trust the Lord and to answer his call to ministry. He instructed me daily in Bible doctrine using Dr R.A.Torrey’s work ‘What the Bible Teaches. Kevin laid hands on me and I received the Holy Spirit. He baptised me in water and prophesied over my life that I would go to the nations. That was gloriously fulfilled over many years.

    I salute a great servant of God called to be a leader among leaders.


  118. Yvonne Chamberlain

    Uncle’s Legacy is an inheritance to all who knew and loved him – He taught us how to live the A-Z character of Jesus. Uncle Kevin was a man of:
    Agape, Belief, Courage, Determination, Enthusiasm, Faith, Generosity, Honesty, Inspiration, Justice, Kindness, Loyalty, Maturity, Nurturing, Openness, Passion, Quality, Resilience, Sacrifice, Teacher, Understanding, Victorious, Worshipper, Xenodochia – (friendly to strangers), Y2 (as in geometry) , Zest for life!
    Well done faithful servant…. The Angels sing as they welcome you home. We will miss your smile and shared prayers. Yvonne & Ian

  119. Mark & Nicole, Sharon & Frank our hearts mourn with you over the loss of someone we all loved so much. Kevin Conner was certainly one of the humblest servants of God I have ever met. He modeled what a Christ like leader should be always. We are so grateful over the years for the many trips Kevin made to Utica, NY, staying in our home, sharing meals around our table with our family and leaders, pouring truth into us and strengthening our church. His love for Jesus, his kindness, gentleness and teaching has left an indelible mark upon us and our children. He is a spiritual Dad that will be sorely missed by so many. God bless you all
    Mike & Barb Servello

  120. What an amazing genuine humble loving man of God!
    Kevin always seemed to have the time to talk, he always asked how my family was going, specially how the kids were going and every time as we parted company, “good to see you singing up there keep it going”
    I have learned so much from Kevin all the way back to when bible college was being run at Waverly Christian fellowship and the example of authentic love he showed for others.
    I know a little of it must have rubbed off on all of us and I’m quite certain that’s what he was aiming for.
    Thanks, so much Kevin You will never be forgotten!

  121. Getahun Gebremedhin

    Dr. Kevin Conner is a father and a mentor to me. I have known him for many years and his humility and love impacted my life. I had a chance to learn from him on one to one and he has ministered and taught many times at our congregation in Melbourne. He was a close friend and a father to me. I am blessed and many others by his books. When I had a theological and doctrinal issues he is the one that I went and got my answers.I will always remember and cherish our times together as a family and as individual . Thank you so much Dr Kevin for your spiritual legacy through your life and ministry. You were a role model , kind and a loving person. You were a teaching apostle for the body of Christ. I will miss you so much and the time that we had together. We truly honour you and love you. We send our deepest. Condolences to the family and may the Lord Jesus Christ comfort your heart as He comfort us. We love you Br. Kevin .

    Yours in Christ , Getahun Gebremedhin

  122. I was one of Malaysian students saved in the early days of the church (then Waverly Mission) and was privileged to be baptised by Dr Kevin Conner in 1977. He laid a good foundation of the Word of God, taught us and prepared us for the eventual return of the team to Malaysia for the gospel’s sake. He has been my mentor, spiritual father, counselor and guiding light and will be greatly missed. He has impacted my life in a way that inspired me with a unending passion and love for God’s word. Till we might again, good night Ps Kevin. See you in the morning in that glorious land. we call Home, Forever in my heart, Chin Ban

  123. A child hood friend brought John and I to WCF in 1990 when we first arrive Melbourne. I saw this man (I found out that he is the Senior Minister of the church), was raising his hands and with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face. I found out that he was worshipping God. It made such an impact on me, that it was stuck in my mind and I kept thinking about it. We started to attend the services on a regular basis and Kevin was speaking at all the services. John and I started to developed an interest for Kevin’s teaching – and attended ACTION on Wed nights (All Christian Teaching In One Night) and then enrolled for his LBTC and Keys of Knowledge. It was only 4 years that we attended WCF and was posted to Singapore for 25 years. Kevin’s teaching has been embedded into our hearts and has taught us to live the life of Jesus and a life of faith in the Word. He shared with us that one day, he went to the petrol pump and fill the tank, after having done that, he went to pay at the counter and the cashier made a comment and said this to Kevin “I see Jesus in you”. When Kevin shared that, he has tears in his eyes…. He was such a humble and gentle soul…. from that day, John and I always remember Kevin’s teaching is always to represent and shine for Jesus. Although Kevin is known to be one of the greatest teacher, theologian, author, speaker, counsellor, his life has always been an extension of Jesus. That John and I will hold dearly and will always remember the impact Kevin’s teaching has in our lives.

  124. Kevin Conner was a spiritual father to me from my early Christian experience. In 1969 I regularly corresponded with him when he was in Portland, Oregon. He mentored me through a number of doctrinal issues, and I still keep his correspondence and marvel at his mastery of the Word and the surrounding issues. In 1974 when Annette and I went to Indonesia we kept up with our correspondence and whenever we were back in Australia, we would seek him out to check on our understanding in the Word, and the direction the Lord was leading us. He was amazing, loving, caring, honest and firm in his counsel. He was brilliantly humble and knowledgeable. He was a General in the Lord’s Army and he’s now gone home to meet his King.

  125. Kevin was a life time friend and like a brother. He lived with my family on a little farm in the early 1950’s and in my teenage years he gave Bible Studies on the Tabernacle and types and symbols. It impacted me a great deal and gave me a love for Gods Word, a foundation for my faith, and a desire to know more.
    He baptised me in water and prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
    He had an incredible capacity to study and remember so much of the Bible, its themes, and where to find scriptures. In the early days he typed his notes on A5 paper in 16 pitch (quite small) so he could get more on the page!!
    He loved music. He played the cornet in theSalvation Army band and later taught himself to play the piano and piano accordion. He composed music to a number of inspirational Psalms and Isaiah 12 which Joyce would sing while he accompanied her on the accordion.
    He loved the church and Gods people everywhere and did all he could to support the ministers and leaders.
    Thank you Kevin for the legacy you have left for us and all you have given to the church in Australia and Worldwide.

  126. On behalf of the Wheeler family, I would like to pass on our sincere condolences, and express our appreciation for the life of Kevin Conner. He was my fathers (Rob Wheeler) very close friend, and colleague over many years, and together they made a huge difference in both Australia and New Zealand, and often spoke and encouraged each other. They were iron that sharpened iron.
    We miss our Dad, who passed away last May, and we know you too will have a huge hole in your heart, but also know that he is in heaven getting all those unanswered questions sorted out with God…
    Sorry we cant be there to pay tribute to an amazing man, whose heart was so close to God.

  127. Fond memories of a very personable gentleman. When at PBC Brother Conner’s even took the time to have me round to his home for dinner. He was always approachable and had a wonderfully wry sense of humour.
    His teachings have been foundation to many of us younger hungry bible students. It was truly an honour to be one of his students while at PBC.
    He was a man of the Spirit and the Word and one who I emulate as one of the greatest teachers of the Christian faith in our generation.

  128. Thank you Kevin for imparting your life and vision upon us. You have been a true and loyal spiritual leader for which I am eternally grateful.

    May your soul find rest in God’s Peace.

  129. Kevin has been such a humble being upon this earth but has left such a legacy. A man of influence with an incredible teaching gift. What an impact you have made into the lives of our next generation of leaders. Solid biblical teaching across this nation and influence across the nations.
    Thoughts go out to Mark and Nicole and their family along with Sharon and Frank and their family.
    Thank you for sharing your father with us all. He has impacted our Christian walk in many ways.
    Well done good and faithful servant.

  130. Dick and Cathy Follestad, Surprise, Arizona, US

    Kevin has always been loved and appreciated by us. We met him in the 70’s while living in Melbourne. He has given us a greater understanding of the Lord and His church through his teachings.
    Since returning to the States, we would often email Kevin to ask questions or clarify some bible truth.
    One of the last questions we asked him was about the Nephilim. We gave him two competing views and asked which he thought was more correct. He said he leaned towards one but it was one of those questions he was looking forward to asking the Lord when he got to heaven. Well, he is there now, and I am sure he is getting answers to many things. We are going to miss our go to guy.
    Enjoy it Kevin!

  131. Alicia Khaw and Novian Winangun

    My heartfelt condolences and prayers go to Mark Connor, Nicole Connor and your family. As a university student and new Christian at Waverley Christian fellowship in mid 1990s, I remember I went to Kevin Connor’s Keys of Knowledge (recommended by friends). To be honest, it was so “deep”,most of it went over my head but what came across was a man who loved God’s Word. How did he make that connection? Its was an honour to part of such an awesome church led by him that geniunely cared for overseas students. (I still remember the shuttle bus from Monash Uni halls of residence) Much thanks and may you spend eternity with the One you adore.

  132. Michael & Gwen Loke

    I remember Kevin Conner’s influence and contribution to the Intermin Conferences during the late 80s and early 90s which helped us to settle in Melbourne, Australia. Through his teaching, inspiration and dedication, Gwen my wife and I continue to serve at CityLife Church, home to more than 100 nationalities.
    What a legacy, Kevin, well done.

  133. Everywhere I go I encounter people whose lives Kevin Conner has touched and shaped in profound ways. Kevin was the biblical conscience of a generation, the high water mark of Pentecostal hermeneutics, and though himself fatherless, a father to so many. The fact that his copious books were self published belies their ongoing significance to individuals, Churches and Church movements throughout the world. Indeed it is difficult to overstate the reach and enduring impact of his influence, which will doubtless be felt for generations to come. He stood firm amidst the shifting sands of culture and remained to his dying day saturated in God’s word and hungry for God’s presence.

    He was a spiritual giant to be sure, but one of his most defining characteristics was his humility. He could preach to thousands and yet he still had time…for me. One on one he sowed into so many. And we will always be grateful.

    Which of us can ever forget the many ‘Kevinisms’ that made us laugh, that endeared us to you, that demonstrated who you consistently were?

    I think of the disarming and raw simplicity of your “I’m not complaining, I’m just explaining” prayer in some of the sufferings of your later life. Honesty.

    I think of the “you shout, I’ll pay” and the wink with which you firmly dismissed any efforts to pay for our meals. Generosity.

    I think of your copyright policy “You’re welcome to copy it, just copy it right.” Selflessness.

    I think of the way that you graciously diverted praise with either a simple “thankyou for the encouragement” or “what have I that I didn’t receive?” Humility.

    I think of those poor young Baristas at Muffin Break and other average coffee haunts at Knox City. I remember their blank stares as you ordered your usual, a “four weeks” coffee. And the delight you had in explaining that you meant a “weak as weak as weak as weak” coffee. Humour

    And I’m afraid I can’t help recalling now the way that you characterised at least several theologians with whom you politely disagreed – “He’s dead now so he knows better.” – and wondering whether you have had the time yet to sit down for a “four weeks” latte with them to sort it out.

    There are many others. I’ve gone on for far too long.

    Kevin, my life will always be better for having encountered yours. My roots will go deeper, my passion will be stronger, my diligence will be greater, and my influence will reach further because among the hundreds of others, you found time for me.

    I honour you today on this your graduation day. Your legacy will continue in us. And the seeds that you have sown will continue to bear much lasting fruit in my generation and in the generations to come.

  134. For over four decades Kevin impacted my life with not only his incredible grasp of the Word but by his example and life-inspiration. The first few years was at a distance and via his books, the last 26 years was via his personal input.
    His legacy in my own life and that of my family is invaluable. His love for God, his passion for the Word, his honouring of the Holy Spirit and his uncompromised integrity…and his spiritual fatherhood to so many. His life lives on in all that knew him and we are forever grateful!

  135. Dear Dr. Frank Damazio, Sharon Damazio, and the entire Conner Family,

    Dr. Kevin Conner has had a profound impact upon our family since my late mother, Pastor Violet Kiteley, first met him and his wife when she was ministering in New Zealand and Australia in the mid-’60s. Then in the late-’60’s, Marilyn and I had the privilege of hosting the Connor Family at our home in Surrey, B.C. while we were in our first pastorate. Dr. Kevin was an amazing resource to the Body of Christ not only through his scholarly writings but also through his godly character and the humility that he demonstrated throughout his life and ministry. We have truly lost a great spiritual father and General whose life will continue to live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him throughout the world.

    We extend our heartfelt prayers and condolences to the whole Conner and Damazio families during this difficult season of loss. He will be missed.

    Pastors David and Marilyn Kiteley,
    On behalf of the Kiteley Family

  136. The foundation Kevin spent so much time laying in so many of us when we were young has stood the test of time. I still reference his teaching principles and books. Though distance, time and now death separates those he mentored from him, we’ll see him yet again in the not too distant future along with other great teachers of the word. Though we have had many teachers, we have had not as many fathers. Kevin was a father, and a good one.

  137. I met Kevin Conner in person and learnt under his inspiration and guidance the Hermeneutics course at Citylife Church. It made a profound difference to the way I approached and studied the bible. More importantly, he taught me to let go of false church doctrines and helped me to understand that the Christian’s journey involved visitations to many schools of Christian interpretation. He taught me to extend forgiveness to those who got it wrong! He himself demonstrated through his own life, in his biography, how an orphan was redeemed into a son and how from a son, a leader is transformed. I count myself privileged from receiving tuition under this great man of God. Thank you to the Conner family – he too has been my Father through scripture interpretation and a Father of the Gospel! We celebrate his life and now, the Eternal Life he is born unto!

  138. I’ve always held Kevin to be the greatest Bible teacher in the modern English-speaking world. He was a gracious and humble man whom I respected and admired deeply. I can just imagine his boundless joy in heaven as he sees the fullness of the truths that he taught so faithfully on earth. God bless you, brother Kevin!

  139. Stan & Coral Leigh

    Personally and as a family we have been greatly impacted by Kevin Conner’s life and teaching. We joined Waverley Christian Fellowship in January 1983 when Kevin had recently returned from living in America.
    The Bible came alive to us in a new way through his preaching, but became even more enriching when we had the opportunity to attend his Foundations of Christian Doctrine course, followed over the years by many other teaching courses. We still remember the thrill of listening to him as he drew various Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation together to follow themes through the Bible. We could almost identify with the response of the two disciples on the Emmaus Road -“Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
    Over the years we came to know Kevin personally through sharing many hours with him in Eldership and in other church-related meetings and social activities. We found him to be a very humble man with a wonderfully generous spirit. He was always quick to help and encourage anyone who showed a hunger for the Word of God. Many individuals and ministries have been given a foundation and have been established through his Timothy classes, Key of Knowledge seminars, and personal mentoring and encouragement.
    We also appreciated the gracious spirit he displayed in letting go of his dream for a Bible College when he came back from America and, instead, chose to support the continuation of Waverley Christian College–or Parkmore Full Gospel College as it was then. In the years that followed, his continued support of the College as Senior Minister laid the foundation for the powerful ministry that the College has become today.
    This same spirit was displayed in his willingness to hand over the position of Senior Minister of Waverley Christian Fellowship to Mark (even though Mark was quite young at the time and Kevin was “still in his prime”) and the subsequent whole-hearted support he gave to Mark’s leadership – a decision that bore “much fruit”.
    Thank you, Kevin, for being a faithful minister of the Gospel. We are two of the many who will be eternally grateful for your input into our lives.
    Stan & Coral Leigh

  140. I am so grateful for the profound influence of Pastor Kevin.
    He performed our wedding and whenever he saw us, he would say , I tied that knot tight “.
    His sense of humor as well as his revelation truly transformed us all!
    Jennifer Kraker

  141. It was my privilege to have known Kevin for over 40 years. His life and ministry made a massive impact on my life, his teachings also took me to a new level of understanding of the Word of God. I sincerely believe my own ministry changed as a result of my friendship with Kevin. Our loss but heaven’s gain.

  142. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit in Kevin’s office in 1989 while he and Joyce prayed. I began speaking in tongues immediately, and later returned to tell him that my language was flowing more and more. The following Sunday he asked me to come to the platform and tell the congregation about my exciting week! That was huge for me! I attended Bible College and sat under his amazing teaching. What a privilege that was. He was my ‘father in the faith’, and I loved him dearly. He also had a big impact on my daughters, Tracey and Shelley, and I am thankful that the Lord led us to WCF all those years ago. Well done, good and faithful servant. See you in glory!

  143. Norman & Delia Reily

    We thank our God upon every remembrance of you Kevin♥️
    Heaven is surely cheering you on home dear friend ????????????????????????

  144. We first met Kevin 26 years ago when he was in his final years as senior pastor at WCF. Our family was nurtured richly and deeply through his teaching and love for the word of God. He was always accepting and loving toward our family. He treated everyone as precious and important – from youngest to oldest.

    I was able to sit under his teachings. The more I did, the more I realised how little I knew. He influenced every member of our family indelibly for the better. Our family used his books for our daily family devotions. And, yes, we did tackle Revelation each day (for a while until the kids asked if we could try not to do it every single day). Sharon’s assurance that they didn’t do that is a relief then! I thought we really fell short ????

    Kevin, you have influenced so many people beyond anything you could have imagined – only Heaven will tell how much that was. Our heart aches for losing you down here, but we know we will see you again. Thank you for everything you were to us- especially for being my spiritual dad. Thank you for all you have achieved. Thank you for showing us what a true Christian is like.

    Vale, Pastor Kevin Conner.

  145. I first met Kevin Conner personally in Ps Hal Oxley’s living room. I had stepped out of teaching, taken my family to Life Ministry Bible College under the leadership of Ps Hal, he had called me to be their first Youth Pastor and I was in my first year of ministry. The small staff had a few hours with Kevin and I was privileged to be among that group. Hal invited us to ask Kevin questions. I was raised a Lutheran, now serving in a Pentecostal Church; I had lots of questions. I said to Kevin, “Prove to me there is a Millennium”. Hal was shocked. The looks on the faces around me alerted me to the fact that I may have asked a foolish question. Kevin was so gracious. He assured me it was not a foolish question, that he had just spent 3 days with a group of theologians exploring that very question, and gently began to explain all the different views on the Millennium and why he held the view he did. Kevin became to me the most trusted source of wisdom on theological questions. One peg above Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones – who’s ministry has also been a profound blessing.
    I was privileged to be in the first Key of Knowledge seminar in Melbourne. Following that seminar a group of us met with Kevin regularly to follow on from that grand beginning. He was so gracious and generous with his time and his resources. When I was beginning to understand the vital role of Pathways for the future of the church I was leading Kevin gave me the material he used at Waverley Christian Fellowship with fatherly permission to re-work it for our local setting and the warning – “Don’t muck it up”.
    Kevin Conner sits in my heart as one of the great heroes I have been privileged to know. I will forever hold him in my heart as a Father who has profoundly moulded my faith.
    Thanks Kevin for who you were. Thanks Jesus for who he is. “Those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars …” Yes you will.

  146. Kevin and Joyce did our premarital counseling, for which we felt very privileged. Kevin also officiated at our wedding. Close to 30 years married now and still growing strong, and for this we are truly grateful. His spiritual input and maturity in our lives from his many years of faithful service and teaching will forever be appreciated. Now in our role at Focus on the Family Australia we have the honour in speaking into many peoples lives in the area of families and relationships across the nation. His legacy certainly continues. May the God of peace be ever present with the whole family as you navigate your grief and loss, but also in celebration of his life.

  147. I only arrived at WCF (now Citylife) in early 2000 so didn’t have Ps Kevin as my senior minister but did enjoy a number of messages he shared. One in particular I remembered was when he shared the podium with Rene and they talked about the Alpha and Omega of God. It was beautifully presented.
    The service yesterday was a beautiful tribute to your father Mark, sharing both the personal father and eminent leader that he was. Mark, my condolences to both you and Nicole, together with your sister Sharon and Frank.

  148. The first time I met Kevin Conner was in 1983 when I was on my way back to Asia from NZ, stopping by a few days in Melbourne. One Saturday morning, KJC welcomed my wife Joanne and I (total strangers to him) into his home and spend 3 – 4 hours sharing with us about hermeneutics! He was so generous with his time and hospitality! What an unforgettable experience!!

    The few times that I preached in Citylife church, I was totally humbled and amazed when I saw Kevin sitting at the front row with his Bible, note-book and pen, coping down notes! (I was thinking to myself – “What else doesn’t KJC know about the Bible?”). Afterward, he would show me the notes that he had written down and told me “I did listen!”. What an extra-ordinary man of God so willing to listen and learn from anyone!

    In the recent many years, whenever I need to discuss some theological and church issues, Kevin would be one of the first few persons that I would go to. As usual, KJC was so generous with his time and hospitality and we always ended up with prayers.

    What a legend! What a great man of God! I am sure there will be many people, including myself, who would miss Kevin a lot!
    What an incredible example and role model of a great man of God for younger generations to follow after!

    John and Joanne Yao

  149. I salute a mighty general in the faith whose example, conversations and books continue to echo through my life and ministry. Such wisdom and humility – a true inspiration and incredible blessing.
    My sincere condolences to the entire family as you mourn your loss.

  150. I don’t have enough words to say my gratitude to the Lord for a man like Kevin Conner. His teachings were an immense help for my Christian growth, I believe my Lord would hold him tight when he meet this dear servant of God.
    I have never met him, but the words he has written revealed his heart for the Lord, and it inspired me to the man I am now. All glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – the saviour JESUS CHRIST!!

  151. Kevin is the most humble of men. I remember asking him how should I address him and he replied, ‘How about Brother Kevin?’ Kevin has my most outmost respect as a teacher, he took the time to expound and made sure he was understood completely. Kevin, will miss you dearly and I thank God He sent you to us.

  152. Colin William Macdonald

    I have known Kevin Conner for over 30 years . I count myself fortunate to have been in classes taugh by Kevin Conner particularly his “Key of Knowledge Seminar” opening up the Greek and Hebrew Testaments via Strongs Concordance. I owe to Kevin Conner a huge debt of gratitude for strengthening my Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Kevin Conner demonstrated over his long life to be. a faithful, loyal, educated disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ who shared his faith and belief through teaching and writing. May he Rest In Peace with the certain knowledge he is an adopted son and granted his rewards in Eternity by our Father God through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  153. Malcolm & Marie Reid

    A Tribute to Kevin Conner 2019

    Thank you, Kevin, for every diligent hour you spent in reading the Word, seeking the Lord’s face and expounding God’s truth to grateful Christian audiences around the world. From humble and unlikely beginnings you overcame so much through our Lord, Jesus Christ. You always pointed us to Jesus and God’s love shone out of you, whatever you were doing.
    Your books are very dear to me and surely are amongst the greatest legacies of any Christian writer. You may never know how many people around the world, in every continent, that you have impacted positively for Christ.
    Kevin, truly you are a friend of the Living God. May He continue to bless you abundantly in heaven, oh good and faithful servant. You have been a spiritual father to so many. You ran a wonderful race and you live on in the hearts of countless grateful admirers. I thank God that Marie and I had the privilege to know you personally as our Senior Pastor.
    Malcolm & Marie Reid

  154. Carrie Robinson (nee Chong)

    I joined Citylife church (then Waverley Christian Fellowship) in 1988 when Brother Conner was the senior minister. His teaching and values have had a profound influence in my life. Having worked at the church for a period of time, I had the privilege to know Kevin on a more personal basis – a man who had a heart for God and who was so humble. He was so willing to share the word of God on a one to one basis and had love and care which touched my life. I attended Kevin’s class “Foundation of Christian Doctrine” and “Key of Knowledge seminar” – both had an impact on my life. I will miss you Kevin including your sense of humour and Kevinisms! My condolences and prayers are with Mark and Nicole and Frank and Sharon and their families. Thank you Kevin for who you are and for sharing Christ with me and so many others. Well done good and faithful servant!

  155. I first met a Kevin in 1996 as a student in Melbourne. There was an aroma of Christ in Kevin that drew many to Christ. Was privileged to sit under his teachings – from weekend services, to conferences to bible college classes. Kevin was always consistent, regardless of how large or small the platform was, he honoured the Word of God always.

    I remember as a young Youth Pastor, I was struggling with denominational issues which resulted in disillusionment and brokenness. Contacted Kevin and he was kind enough to make time to meet with me – despite him just returning from a ministry trip (and if I recall correctly, heading out to another!). I got a plane and flew 8 hours to spend 2 hours with him. I’ll never forget what he said to me, “Always speak the truth in love. You must have both, truth and love. They go hand in hand”. Those words of wisdom saved me from ministry (and God) derailment.

    What a life you have lived. Countless lives you have impacted. Well done, good and faithful servant!

    Kevin, you’ll be missed dearly.

  156. Margaret and Suzanne James

    What a privilege we had being members of Kevin’s flock, we were fed so well spiritually, and it was a beautiful time of true fellowship.

    K.J.C. – an example of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. His life and teaching taught us how to live Kingdom – members experienced the love of God and the fellowship of the saints, and Kevin’s teachings were riveting and easy to follow, definitely no legalistic theory. He worshiped, taught, and stewarded all the gifts from his Heavenly Father with true humility. He walked and talked with his Saviour, Lord and King and was one with Him.

    His sense of humour was a classic, we remember so many word plays and so many of those one-liners that his family shared at his celebration service.

    We were privileged to have served with both Joyce and Rene and they were both God chosen “help mates” for Kevin. He has left a legacy in his family and in all the people whose lives he touched over the years.

    Thank You Father God for Kevin’s life and for directing us to be a part of the Spiritual Body Kevin was directed by Heaven to lead.

  157. Courtney Laird

    I had my first encounter with Kevin some 15 years ago as a 22yo at a conference on Magnetic Island. I had some bible related questions written down and after eventually summing up the courage, I approached Kevin to see if I could ask him about them at some stage. His response overwhelmed me. He immediately made time for me and we sat down. He not only answered my questions but opened the scriptures to me in a way they had never been before. Over the years I never ceased to be amazed at his passion for the word, his knowledge of the word and his ability to impart the word.

    Kevin was to me someone who never neglected the gift with in him, always redeemed the time and exemplified what it meant to be a father in the faith.

    I thank the Lord for the blessing Kevin has been to my life. My Christian walk will ever be richer because of his impact.

  158. It was by the good grace of God that I came across a book by brother Kevin in a thrift store some years ago. That book cost me $1.00, but its value to my life is immeasurable, as are the other books I have read by this dear man of God.

  159. I, like so many others, have had the trajectory of my life changed and blessed because of Kevin Conner. I had the distinct privilege of being his secretary for several years in the 1970’s at PBC. As others have so accurately written, he was unusually kind and fatherly, an amazing expositor of the Word, devoted to Joyce and Sharon and Mark, a faithful mentor and loyal friend. But, in addition, I had an opportunity to witness his daily work ethic and genuine regard for others. First into the office, faithful with his time and resources. Never late to class or meetings. A man who personally answered every piece of mail and promptly returned every phone call. He was a father to me as well as thousands of others and these last 50 years of my life have indeed been richer because of he said “yes” to Jesus at age 14 and kept saying “yes” right to the moment of transitioning to meet Jesus. Thank you, Bro. Conner!


  161. I met Kevin Conner in April 1985 in Beenleigh, Queensland. We hit it off straightaway.
    He invited me during that time to come to Melbourne, and together with his son Mark, he would pick me up in his old Datsun every morning during a 2 week ‘Key of Knowledge’ seminar. Those 2 weeks have benefitted my approach to Scripture to this day.

    A few years later I moved with my young family to WCF and was privileged to serve under Kevin for some time.
    Brother Kevin, as many knew him, was a great role model of a true man of God. His humility, love for the Word and simplicity of life, have left me many wonderful memories that I will treasure forever.

  162. Kevin J. Conner unravelled many false teachings I had been indoctrinated with previously in my life. I sat under his teaching after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour on 11/6/91 at WCF. Being a new believer I had many questions endeavouring to find truth. Kevin was very patient, kind and understanding. Years later I was one very blessed person to minister in music on a number of occasions at other Churches before he ministered the Word. At times I had the honour of being able to do some work for him and Rene in their home. On their insistence we would share a meal together and Kevin would allow me to peruse some of the many, many books he had on his shelves in his office. I have very fond memories of my 1st one on one encounter with Kevin at WCF. He was walking towards me in the corridor where the offices were and I looked every way I could to escape as I felt there was going to be an encounter with the Reverend Bishop Conner (lol) He walked straight up to me and said……Mark, how do shave in that thing? (as he pointed to the deep dimple in my chin). Relieved, I just stood there with my mouth open and lost for words. He totally caught me off guard with that comment. For me Kevin was a spiritual father, mentor, teacher, friend, confidante and a wonderful example of a “Christ”ian. I would not be the person I am today as he had such a substantial impact on my life and I thank God for such a humble yet powerful man of God. My deepest sympathy and prayers for Mark, Nicole, Josiah, Ashley and Natasha.

  163. I was saved in 1976 while studying In Toowoomba. After I finished my studies of creative arts , I was blessed to hear Pastor Kevin at a Logos Conference in the Blue Mountains in 1977. He truly inspired me with his teachings on King David from his manual the Tabernacle of David. I have never forgotten his wonderful intellect and joy and instruction on music and worship. Recently I have acquired other books and have been particularly impacted by his revelation of the book of Daniel and The Seventy Weeks Prophecy, with awesome revelation about the second coming of the Lord. I truly honour this man of God and will never forget how much he contributed to my Christian walk.

  164. Kevin J. Conner, Glory be to God 4 your teaching gift and ministry. What a blessing, full of the Witness of the Holy Spirit! May the LORD raise 10000 more like you sir!

    Deepest heartfelt condolences to the Conner family and the extended spiritual family.

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