One of Kevin Conner’s unique contributions to the church world has been his in-depth studies into three of God’s significant dwelling places from Old Testament times > the Tabernacle of Moses, the Tabernacle of David, and the Temple of Solomon. The history and background of these places provide many insights into our Christian lives today and God’s purpose for the church.
Kevin’s study and research have been released in three books, often referred to as the Habitation Trilogy.

The Tabernacle of Moses is the first in this trilogy of books dealing with the intriguing topic of the dwelling place of God on earth. In writing this comprehensive volume, Kevin combined a lifetime of research and thought with his God-given ability to make the Bible come alive.
This book is a thorough and detailed study of the spiritual significance of every facet of Old Testament tabernacle worship, and it sets forth the riches of redemption’s story as typified in its furniture and construction. Its pages of instruction are filled with charts and lucid illustrations which enhance the serious student’s overview of the material. This book is ideal for use in adult Bible classes and college classrooms.

The Tabernacle of David is the second work in Kevin Conner’s trilogy concerning the three major dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. This text answers many vital questions concerning the Tabernacle in the Old Testament and its significance to New Testament revelation.
The Tabernacle of David is a devotional, typical, theological, and practical book and clearly shows the vast differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant methods of worship. It presents an exciting and stimulating challenge to the believer who is hungry to learn more about the move of the Holy Spirit today.

Be sure to listen to Kevin’s 8-part teaching on the Tabernacle of David currently being released on his free audio podcast – ‘Kevin Conner Teaches’.
The Temple of Solomon completes the trilogy dealing with the dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. Though this dwelling place was of a temporary nature, a timeless pattern was initiated.
This study yields rich and precious truths concerning Christ and His church. These truths are tied into the New Testament as the church is presented as the “Temple of God.”
SPECIAL: During the months of October and November 2023, a PDF digital version of these books can be purchased for 50% off the normal price from the online SHOP under the ‘Biblical Themes’ category.