Kevin Conner (1927-2019) is a well-known Bible teacher. During his lifetime, Kevin gave many sermons and messages to various audiences and contexts including local church congregations, minister’s conferences, and training seminars. Now for the first time, many of his sermon outlines are being released for the benefit of others. They are full of insightful ideas for teaching and preaching God’s Word.

VOLUME 1 of sermon outlines includes: Times of Refreshing, A Joseph Church, Blessed to Bless, The Dynamics of an Antioch Church, Appreciation for the Mantle, The Minister’s Attitude About the Ministry, From Barrenness to Fruitfulness, Be Doers of the Word, Divine Points of Contact, Bethel – the House of God, Being the Father God Intended, and The Spirit Driven Church.
You can purchase this as an immediate PDF download from the shop or in paperback format (USA) or Kindle eBook format from Amazon.

VOLUME 2 of sermon outlines includes: Breaking Down the Walls, Building a Strong Marriage, Building a Ministry that Lasts, Being On Guard Against Deception, Having Ears to Hear, The Trial of Faith, Trusting God in the Dark, Truth in the Inward Parts, Psalm 23 – The Shepherd Psalm, Martha or Mary, The Manifest Presence, Maintain Freshness, Balancing Grace and Truth, Having a Heart, Lay it Down – The Principle of the Cross, and The Minister’s Temptations.
You can purchase this as an immediate PDF download from the shop or as a paperback book from Amazon (USA) or in eBook format for Kindle.

VOLUME 3 of Kevin’s sermon outlines includes: Does it Matter How I Understand God, Conviction vs Condemnation, Discerning the Source of Sickness, Building the Church – Extending the Kingdom, Renewed Leadership – the Zerubbabel Principle, Who Needs a Family, Wealth and Poverty, Two Kinds of Wisdom, The Threefold Purpose of the Church, The Prayer of Faith, Seven Figures of the Death of Christ, Seed and Bead, From Religion to Relationship, The Parable of the Three Trees, Lessons of Ministry Life, A Minister’s Attitudes, and The Pool of Bethesda – The House of Mercy.
You can purchase this as an immediate PDF download from the shop or as a paperback book from Amazon USA or in eBook format for Kindle.

VOLUME 4 of Kevin’s sermon outlines includes: The Second Coming of Christ, A Tale of Three Women, The Sevenfold Blessing of the House of God, The Curse, the Cause, and the Cure, Building a Spiritual Atmosphere, The Prayer Jesus Prayed, Enoch – A Character Study, King Uzziah – A Character Study, King Hezekiah – A Character Study, Honour the Widows(ers), The Spirit of Elijah – 10 Tests for Elisha, The Spirit of Tobiah in the House of God, The Seven Disciplines of a Leader, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast Sheaf of Firstfruits, Measuring Up, Measure the Altar, Measure the Worshippers, Measure Not the Outer Court, and The Present Truth.
You can purchase VOLUME 4 (released in August 2023) as an immediate download from the SHOP or from Amazon in your region in paperback and eBook formats.
Brother Conner’s books so enriched my personal walk with the Lord as well as my ministry, as a pastor/teacher, over the years. Without question, he was the biggest influence (other than the Holy Spirit) in the my Christian life. I look forward to meeting him personally someday in glory.
Michael J Scholes