The apostle Paul wrote a number of letters from prison, some of which are contained in the New Testament as we have it today. Two of these are the letters to the church at Colossae and another one to a wealthy Christian living there named Philemon, about his runaway slave Onesimus, whom Paul had led to faith in Christ. The letter is an appeal for forgiveness and reconciliation.
The ancient city of Colossae was a small town in Asia where a church had been planted, most likely by one of Paul’s associates named Epaphras. There was good news to celebrate about their conversion to faith in Jesus Christ and their commitment to the gospel. However, there were false teachers seeking to lead them astray to a different kind of religious experience. Paul writes to address these issues.
In these previously unpublished notes, Kevin Conner shares his thoughts and insights about these two epistles. There is much here to teach us as followers of Christ in our times.
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what is the difference between commentary of daniel or exposition on daniel. i have the exposition.
These books are the same content – just a different description.