At this time of year, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming New Year. We have appreciated your support over this year and hope that the resources by Kevin Conner that we’ve made available have been a blessing to you.
Some highlights of the year include the release of previously unpublished notes on 1 Corinthians and Colossians and Philemon, as well as updated Kindle versions of many of Kevin’s books (these updates are FREE for those who have already purchased a book from Amazon) and some new hardback editions. Kevin’s weekly audio-teaching podcast has now had over 120,000 downloads from all around the world. Praise God for Kevin’s life, and his ongoing legacy, as well as the continuing impact of his ministry on so many people.
Kevin Conner’s many resources are only available because of the generosity of friends and supporters like you. If you’re in a financial position that enables you to make a one-off or regular donation, then that would be greatly appreciated, especially at this time. Voluntary donations help to further spread Kevin Conner’s teachings and thereby assist churches, students, Bible colleges, and leaders all around the world with help insightful biblical materials.
Donations can be made by clicking the DONATE button below. Enter the amount – the default currency is US dollars. Then choose whether to use PayPal OR your credit card.
Thank you for your trust and partnership.