One of Kevin Conner’s highest selling books is his comprehensive study on The Church in the New Testament. This encyclopaedic reference work is designed to give a comprehensive biblical understanding of the universal and local New Testament Church. It has been published in numerous countries and languages. Now it is available in eBook form for your Kindle or other devices. Buy it now from

Dear Kevin
I would like to congratulate you on your birthday. I am grateful to God to know that you are alive, after reading your book the foundation s of Christian Doctrine I received a lot of clarity to certain basic doctrines of the Christian faith.
I would like to know how I could get your books on the church in the New Testament , interpreting the symbols and types & the feasts of Israel? I am writing from Ghana, a nation in West Africa
Hi Raphael
All of Kevin’s books are available at Just search for his name: Kevin Conner
Or you can purchase eBook versions of some of his books at