Kevin Conner’s teaching continues to live on and inspire people all around the world through his audio podcast. With over 250 episodes published and over 200,000 downloads, his teaching clearly has an ongoing relevance to our time, despite his having passed over 5 years ago.
A full list of episodes is available on the Audio page, along with the ability to listen and link to various podcast APPs.
URGENT NOTICE: We are nearing the end of the available audios we have to release, with many of them having been digitised from old cassette or CDs. If you have any of Kevin’s teaching in any format that you could loan us, please contact us on kevin.conner321@gmail.com. We will cover the cost of the postage and then return the originals to you once copied. Thank you!
I had the privilege of being a student of Portland Bible College when he was my professor. He was a favorite teacher of many of us students! He was also my counselor during a family crisis in my life. I will always be thankful to God to have met and been impacted by his life and teaching!
Thanks so much for sharing, Doug.
First came across Kevin’s teaching in his book, Church in NT, back around 1990 and this greatly affected my understanding and perspective. Later, my wife and I served as missionaries in Eastern Europe from 1995-2006, we had to great honor to host Kevin for a conference in Poland in 2002. Our organization translated several of his books into Polish, Russian, Bulgarian which were used to train many nationals through the Vision University program. On heaven knows the affects and fruit that his ministry had upon so many who were taught through his books, to God be the glory! We so much enjoy listening to the podcasts still to this day, thank you for making these available.
Thanks so much for sharing, John.