As we approach Easter weekend, Christians from all around the world prepare to reflect on and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are historical and spiritual events and that literally changed the course of human history. Kevin Conner has a number of resources that are relevant to this season of the year. We hope they are a blessing and encouragement to you.
- An audio message entitled, “His Accomplishing Death”. This message was given by Kevin Conner at a Good Friday service at Waverley Christian Fellowship back in April 1990. His wife, Joyce Conner, sings a hymn at the end, accompanied by Kevin on the piano.
- Three Days and Three Nights. What did Christ mean when He said He would be ‘three days and three nights in the heart of the earth’ and so fulfill the type of Jonah. How then can this statement be reconciled with the traditional ‘Good Friday’ which crept into the Church centuries ago? This booklet sets out clearly the answers to these questions. This book includes a Passion Week Chart.
- The Death Resurrection Route. This booklet is actually a Soliloquy, a ‘talking with oneself’. It follows the steps of Jesus on the Calvary road from His Incarnation to His Ascension and Glorification. The believer also is called to ‘follows in His steps’.
- A Tale of Three Trees. This book is simply about the history of the human race and the symbols in the Bible about Three Trees. The early chapters of Genesis really centre on the one Tree – the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil. The Gospels and the Acts centre on the one Tree, the Tree of Calvary’s Cross. The Book of Revelation centres on the one Tree – the Tree of Eternal Life – lost and forfeited through sin, and restored through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. That is what the Bible is all about! Read it, be blessed by it and be challenged to make sure we are feeding from the right Tree – the Tree of Eternal Life.
- The Feasts of Israel. This best-selling book is a study of the three feasts of the Lord in Israel – Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. It unlocks some of the greatest truths of God’s progressive dealings with His own people, both then and now.
God bless you this Easter season as we give praise to God for the generous gift of his Son to be the Saviour of the world.
I attended PBC 1972 to 1975 with Brother Kevin Connor As one of the main Teachers. Extra special times !!! He is quite a beloved teacher As each one of his students would agree! Thank you for posting his materials Scriptural analysis and biblical doctrine teaching. Again thank you!!!
You are most welcome, Tom. Glad you are enjoying his materials. God bless.