Foundations of Christian Doctrine (Part 2)

Kevin Conner’s best-selling textbook, Foundations of Christian Doctrine, provides one of the most relevant and clear presentations of the great doctrines of the Christian faith. Now for the first time, you can listen and watch Kevin Conner teaching this course in a Bible College context. This is an excellent resource for students of the Bible, preachers of God’s Word, church leaders, and anyone desiring to grow in their faith.

Course Information

This course builds on Part 1, which is a pre-requisite for Part 2. Part 2 of this video training course includes teaching on the Doctrine of Angels, the Doctrine of Satan and Demonology, the Doctrine of Man, and the Doctrine of Sin, and the Doctrine of Christ. It includes 19 videos with over 13 hours of in-depth teaching. 

These videos were recorded in the classroom in the 1980s. Although the technology matches that era (Kevin loved to use the blackboard and the overhead projector!), the quality of the teaching content is timeless. 

Included in the course is a complimentary PDF download of The Foundations of Christian Doctrine textbook (over 300 pages) and a self-study guide.

NOTE: There are a total of 67 video sessions in the entire Foundations of Christian Doctrine course. The course is presented in 4 parts for a normal enrolment cost of $50 USD per part.

Course Instructor

Born in Melbourne, Australia in 1927 and saved at the age of 14, Kevin Conner served the Lord in the Salvation Army until the age of 21. At this time he entered into pastoral ministry for a number of years. After that, he was involved in teaching ministry in Australia, New Zealand and for many years at Bible Temple in Portland, Oregon. After serving as Senior Minister of Waverley Christian Fellowship for eight years (1987-1994), he continued to serve the church locally as well as ministering at various conferences and the continued writing of textbooks.

Kevin is recognized internationally as a teaching-apostle after his many years in both church and Bible College ministry. His textbooks have been used by ministers and students throughout the world. He has been in great demand as a teacher and has travelled extensively. Kevin passed away peacefully in Melbourne, Australia in February 2019 at the age of 92.

Browse through Kevin’s web site at for more details about his life and ministry, as well as information about his 68 books, his other video courses, and his audio teaching podcast.


Kevin Conner’s book ‘The Foundation of Christian Doctrine’ is a landmark work, benefitting us all with a solid view of the theology of renewal as it unites with the historic truths of God’s Word always embraced by the living church.” Jack Hayford

“I find Kevin Conner insightful …” Bishop T.D. Jakes


The cost to enrol in this course covers expenditure in converting and formatting the videos and also helps to further the spread of Kevin Conner’s resources.


SALE $50.00 $37.50
sale ends April 30, 2025

Your payment (in US dollars) enrols you in Part 2 of the “Foundations of Christian Doctrine” video training course by Kevin J. Conner. Part 2 includes 19 videos sessions and a complementary copy of the textbook and self-study guide. Payment can be via PayPal or your preferred credit card.

The Doctrine of the Angels

The Doctrine of Satan and Demonology

The Doctrine of Man

The Doctrine of Sin

The Doctrine of Christ

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